The Game of Nim

Rules: The game board consists of rows of matches. The players take turns removing any number of matches from a single row. On your turn, just hold the mouse button down, move through the matches that you want to remove, and then release the mouse button. If you change rows or move outside the game area, you will have to repeat your move. To see the program's move, click anywhere in the game area.

The last player to move wins the game.

Play as often as you like. Most of the time, you will have the advantage on your first move.

Nim 的遊戲

規則︰ 這遊戲由每行的火柴組成。 玩家輪流從其中一行的火柴中移除一支/些火柴。 到你玩的時候,請按著滑鼠左鍵來拖走你想移除的火柴, 然後放開滑鼠鍵。 如果你在拖曳期間走了位置或者超出遊戲區域,你必須重複再移除火柴。 如要看見程式的運作,在遊戲區域點擊任何地方。

